Congratulations your pregnant!!Your happy, I am happy, & every one is happpy for you too! Now you want to document the beautiful glow you have been wearing for the past 7 months. But you may be a little concerned about taking photos of yourself looking so... well.... round!
Well don't you worry about a thing! You are going to look just as fabulous as you feel.
For starters,
when should you take your photos. I think we need to try to aim for the time frame when you are the roundest and feel comfortable too. You will know when this is best for you.
Now, lets talk about
clothes. (I know your immediately thinking about your favorite jeans that are now sitting in the back of your closet. And wont see the light of day for a while...) But any thing that makes you feel beautiful and is comfortable to move around in is a good start. Next thing to think about is any outfit that can show off the belly. I mean, that part of the body is really the star of the show!
examples: tank tops, pretty bras, robes, buttoned shirts, 2 piece outfits...You can wear preg jeans but lets make a conscience effort to tuck in that big blue elastic.
I do bring some extra fabric & netting to wrap abound you. But its pretty sheer and you may want to have something pretty to wear under it.
How about no clothes? We can put arms & hands in all the right places so that you can still show your photos to your IN-LAWS with out blushing.
When we start your session I always start with clothes and we peel away as the session progress. I will never peer pressure you to be a la fresco, but I may suggest it at the time & see how you feel.
More? Yep, if you would like to have your significant other in the photo that would be great. Kids? Sure! But, just a bit of a reminder when having children with your photos. Depending on their age, they may get very impatient with the whole process or not do the type of shots that you had in mind, like kiss the belly. I usually take photos with them first. Then let them go play.
OOOHHH Wait! One last thing.
Hands..... I know, what? I shoot close ups of hands on bellies and some other positions. So lets look at the details. Are your rings clean? Could your man use a manicure? OR at least some lotion? Something to think about.
This should cover it. If you have any suggestions that you would like to incorporate into the photos. I would love to hear it.