Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tea for 2

Who can resist a tea party? Not me! And surly not this little Miss all pretty in pink. Even Mr. Rabbit wasn't late for his date!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In Love

My biggest loves are my niece & nephew. I am an Auntie, I am allowed to say that, right? They are my sunshine. My only sunshine. They make me happy when skies are grey.........

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bath Savy

Every once in a while I photograph products. This photoshoot was for BATH SAVY. A soap company using only natural ingredients. This is made & run by a beautiful mother & daughter team. They have bar soaps, scrubs, lotions, etc. As soon as she finishes her website I will put the link on my site. I wish I had smellavision because they truly smelled delightful!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Newest member

I have been friends with Chris since High School. We had stayed in touch and he and his wife were my very first wedding that I photographed. Life gets hectic but we all try to catch up while we can. This time around I was able to photograph their latest addition to their beautiful family. Congratulations & much happiness!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sandy Puc

Do you know who she is?! This woman is a Childrens photographer superstar
I was able to attend her Bellies & Babies Tour. She is fantastic. Not only is she a fantastic speaker & photographer she also has the heart of gold. I felt inspired & hope that this will benifit my clients.


Golfing at Sylvan Glenn Golf course.
Let me say first...I do not golf. I find it odd to chase after a little white ball. But I did donate my time to the B.A.S.I.C. Youth group from my church, St. Anastasia,
to photograph all the men & woman who donated funds to help sponsor our Sunday Night get together.
Thank you to all those that helped with this very successful day. We truly appreciate your generosity. Now go practice a few rounds for next years event, cuz, I saw a couple of you golfers in the sand traps!!